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Our Pilsner beer is characterized by a light malt color ("cookie and butter").

Light beer, medium carbonated. The medium accentuated taste of hop, harmonious and velvety, with intense bitterness. A bottom-fermented beer. Light straw colour, clear with a long-lasting white head of creamy consistency.

Our Pilsner is refreshing, slightly hopped beer of bottom fermentation, clear and of distinct floral aromas, brewed almost exclusively from the noble hop species.

  • Extract: 11.7%
  • Alcohol: 4.9%


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0.3L - 16 ZŁ

0.5L - 20 ZŁ

1L - 38 ZŁ

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A bottom fermented beer. The gold color, which looks like field of grain. Lightly cloudy and creamy. Starogdańskie beer is mildly hoppy, with a barely noticeable bitter nuance. After the first taste, very soft and round until the finish, slightly sweet, gently malty, very grainy. It brings to mind fruity notes derived from malt. Medium-full with a medium content of carbon dioxide.

A pure, balanced soft beer with an edge. It communicates delicate malty notes and light aroma of noble hops.

  • Extract: 12.6%
  • Alcohol: 5.2%


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0.3L - 17 ZŁ

0.5L - 21 ZŁ

1L - 40 ZŁ

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Beer with three different fermentation. First, through lactic acid. Next with a top fermented yeast and finally using Brettanomyces Bruxellensis. Fermentation and ageing process lasts minimum 6 months. An additional advantage of this beer is a very long shelf life and taste stability. We also serve Krollinger with Waldmeister syrup or a raspberry juice.

Rustical smell and taste, sour with fruity notes, light and refreshing.

  • Extract: 8.4%
  • Alcohol: 3.3%


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0.3L - 16 ZŁ

0.5L - 20 ZŁ

1L - 38 ZŁ

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In the medieval history of Gdańsk, four types of beer were known, including Tafelbier - table beer (other: Jopenbier, Krollinger, Danzinger Bier)

Tafelbier was a beer consumed every day in Gdańsk. Every type of malt was used for brewing was available at the time. The goal has always been to brew the lightest beer using traditional fermentation methods. This beer was heavily hopped to keep it edible for as long as possible.

Taste: slightly malty, creamy with a hint of hops

  • Extract: 11.7%
  • Alcohol: 4.8%


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0.3L - 16 ZŁ

0.5L - 20 ZŁ

1L - 38 ZŁ

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Bottom fermented dark beer. Brown in color with ruby reflections falling into purple. A tanned foam crown lasts a long time. Gdańsk Rubin has a caramel flavor, accompanied by notes of toffee, coffee and dark chocolate.

Refreshing, slightly sweet with a dry finish. A noticeable balance between a medium malt character, delicate toasty and caramel notes, and a moderate bitterness of noble hop. In this mixture one can feel, among others dried fruit, as well as dark berry notes such as black currant.

  • Extract: 12.6%
  • Alcohol: 5.2%


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0.3L - 17 ZŁ

0.5L - 21 ZŁ

1L - 40 ZŁ

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A top fermented beer, with a shiny, amber color and a little bit cloudy haze. Pearly, with a strong, long-lasting head of white foam.

A moderate aroma of wheat, without the aftertaste of bread. The balance between the phenolic note (mainly clove, derived from yeast) and fruity esters (mainly bananas) is of medium intensity. A bitterness is not detectable. Enriched with notes of vanilla and cinnamon.

A not overly clear, wheat-based. It is a refreshing, fruity and spicy beer with a unique and balanced banana-clove flavour (yeast-based). The overall impression is complemented by aromas of vanilla and cinnamon.

  • Extract: 12.6%
  • Alcohol: 5.2%


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0.3L - 17 ZŁ

0.5L - 21 ZŁ

1L - 40 ZŁ

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Jopenbier is closely linked with the history of Gdańsk. This speciality was brewed on the Motława River at least since 1449. Jopenbier was referred to as double beverage, fot much more malt was used for its production as in lagers. Jopenbier was nutritious and thick beer syrup, valued for its healing properties (stomach medicine). Due to its thickness and high alcoholic content, it was used to aromatised and enhance others beers and even tobacco. Jopenbier was also often added to soups.

Taste of fig, rainsins, walnuts and chocolate.

  • Extract: 44.1%
  • Alcohol: 10.1%


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50ML - 16 ZŁ

0.5L - 109 ZŁ

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Barrel 5l

Also available for sale are 5l for:

Krollinger, Pils, Tafel- 125 PLN

Starogdańskie, Rubin, Wheat- 135 PLN

5l - 115 ZŁ

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Bottle 0.75l

Also available for sale are 0.75l bottles for:

Krollinger, Pils, Tafel- 31 PLN

Starogdańskie, Rubin, Wheat- 33 PLN

0.75l - 30 ZŁ